Semporna - Sabah in Borneo - Indonesia

Wayang Island - Indonesia.

Here, you find pristine beaches with unique Karst islands that look like mushrooms sprouting out from the sea. Along these beaches, tourists can see fairy tale panorama, more captivating than Leonardo DiCaprio’s getaway in “The Beach”. The crystal clear waters around Wayag Island appear like unreal windows to various types of flora and fauna that live underwater. Wayang Island never ceases to amaze. Divers, especially, have been overwhelmed not only by the rich underwater displays, but also by the panoramic beauty of the island as they climb up to its highest platform and observe coves and atolls around. It is a dream come true, truly a dream fulfilled.
Wakatobi Diving Resort- Indonesia

Wakatobi Dive Resort and the Pelagian operate a high quality dive operation for the most discerning divers and nature lovers from all over the world.